Gül Surubu (Rose Syrup)
- Rose petals 15-20 petals
- Poppy petals (red) 5-6 petals
- Citric acid (powdered) 2 teaspoons
- Water 4 cups
- Sugar 1 1/2 cups
- Water 6 cups
For extract : Rinse and drain petals.Remove white parts of rose, and dark parts of poppy petals. Place in a jar. Add citric acid and water. Cover and let stand for 1-1 1/2 month. This will be basic extract. Keep it in refigerator.
For syrup (cold drink) : Dissolve sugar in water stirring occasionally. Add desired amount of extract to taste. Stir in crushed ice. Serve in glasses with crushed ice.
6 servings