Krem Karamel – Cream Caramel
- 750 ml. milk
- 175 gr. sugar
- 1 tablespoon vanilla powder
- 3 egg yolks
- 3 whole eggs
- For topping: 150 gr. sugar, 75 ml. water
Put 150 gr. of sugar in a pan and heat until golden. Add 75 ml. of water and cook for 2 minutes, and then pour into serving dishes. Blend 3 egg yolks, 3 whole eggs, 175 gr. sugar and vanilla in a blender for 3 minutes. Pour boiling milk slowly over mixture while stirring until it becomes creamy. Pour this into the dishes into which the topping has already been placed. Arrange in a tray filled with water and cook for an hour in a hot oven. Allow to cool. Heat the bottom of the dishes so as to melt the thickened sugar, then turn upside down onto a plate, and serve. (If it is still in one piece by that time.)