Roasted turkey
- 1 young turkey
- 1 glass of water
- 5 tablespoons of margarine
- 1 big carrot
- 2 medium onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- salt
Choose a good quality
, quick roasting bird. Peel the onions and carrot, and cut them into 4 pieces each.
Put the Turkey in a pan with the onios, carrot, margarine, peeled garlic and water. Cover and put on heat. When the water starts boiling, remove the pan from heat and put in a hot oven. Some time later, turn the turkey over and cook until it becomes tender. When the turkey is tender remove the cover. Baste the turkey occasionaly. When cooked, take the turkey out of the oven, put in on a serving dish and separate the different sections (breasts, legs, wings etc.) Puree the sauce remaining in the saucepan and serve the roasted turkey either topped with the sauce, or serve the sauce separately.