Saksi Kebabi (Kebab On A Canape Of Eggplant)
- 1 glass olive oil
- 2 glasses water
- 1 kilo of lamb cut into small pieces
- 2 potatoes salt
- 1 large chopped onion
- 2 small tomatoes
- 2 soup spoons butter
- 3 eggplant
To Prepare the Eggplant:
Cut the eggplants in half, lengthwise. Sprinkle with salt and let stand for one hour. Wash and dry them and then cook them in olive oil and place in a hollow baking dish.
To Prepare the Meat:
Brown the meat in a tablespoon of butter. Add a glass of water, salt and the chopped onion and cook. Before the meat is completely cooked add the potatoes which have been cut into slices. Fill the centers of the eggplants with the meat, tomato and onion mixture. Pour the rest of the sauce around the eggplant. Add a soup spoon of butter and water if necessary. Bake 15 minutes in a hot oven.