Zeytinyagli Havuc (Carrots in Olive Oil)
- 1 1/2 lb. Carrots
- 1/2 Onion (one medium)
- 5 Tb. Sp. Olive Oil
- 2/3 Tb. Sp. Salt
- 3 Tb. Sp. Rice
- 5 Stems of Flat Parsley, only leaves chopped coarsely
Peal and cut onion into four, then slice thin. Fry onions in olive oil 4-5 minutes on low heat until onions get soft. Add salt.
Peal and slice carrots 1/4″ thick. Add to onions. Fry 4 minutes more. Add 1 1/2 cup water. Bring to boil, cover and cook on low heat about 30 minutes. Then sprinkle rice on carrots. Cover and continue to cook until rice is cooked. Turn off heat and let cool covered.
Add chopped parsley leaves to the cold dish, mix gently and turn to a shallow dish.
Keep covered.
Serve at room temperature with garlic yogurt. 4-5 Servings
To make garlic yogurt mix 4-5 crushed garlic cloves with 1 lb. of yogurt.
Garlic yogurt is a must !